Hi bloggers this is my comment for SLJ ( summer learing journy)
Hope you like it.
BYEWelcome to my blog! This is a place where I can share my learning. My blog is a collection of questions, ideas, learning in progress and finished work. This year our school focus is "In Our Backyard". Please make comments so I can deepen my understanding, learn about new ideas and improve my work. Thank you for taking the time to support my learning journey!
Hi bloggers.
Today I have this piece of art work that i want to show you.
We did it for this thing called Summer learning journy/ SLJ. Here is the link to there site.
The reason why I did the art so colourful is because I wanted it to stand out and look colourful plus the normal colours where boring.
Here it is...
Hi Bloggers,
Today I finished My slides of Sina and the eel. The hardest thing about doing this was drawing the images and the easiest part about doing this was describing the eel.
I hope you like this post.
Today I have this very very embarassing video about me and my friend, Mikayla 's poem and the poem is about cybersmart and copywrite. (You are allowed to laugh)
Please comment on this we worked very hard on this.